PBIS - Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
District 201 incorporates a proactive systems approach to teaching behavioral expectations needed for all students to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. Morton has adopted a set of behavioral expectations that follow the acronym C.A.R.E.; Choose, Achieve, Respect, and Engage. These expectations were created to inform students what appropriate behaviors look like and teach them how to Choose wisely, Achieve to their fullest potential, Respect themselves and others, and Engage in positive experiences. All Staff members then acknowledge students who are demonstrating appropriate behaviors and provide additional support to those who need assistance.
The goal of PBIS/CARE is to create a positive school environment for our students. We seek to accomplish this goal through creating subcommittees that work to develop strong academic programs, incentive programs, communication with other school committees, student clubs, and advertising strategies to promote the program, and collect data that will be used to enhance our school committee. If you want to be part of a committee that works hard to positively impact every aspect of our school we encourage you to join PBIS/CARE!