Counseling/College and Career Center
- Welcome!
- Meet the Counselors
- College and Career Center
- Naviance
- Financial Aid Graduation Requirement
Welcome to the Morton East Counseling Department!
The School Counselors at the building assume a number of roles, all important and potentially critical in affecting a student's future. These roles relate in a major way to academic preparation and planning but they also extend to mental health, interpersonal relations, social adjustment, career planning, and work adjustment. If you need to meet with a school counselor, please feel free to email or call to set up an appointment.
Meet the Counselors
Meet the Morton East Counselors!
Don't know who your Counselor is?
1. Log in to Skyward.
2. Click the Student Info tab and your Counselor's name is located there.
How do I contact my counselor?
Counselors and the College and Career Center staff can be reached by phone, email, and are available for appointments. Appointments can take place in the form of a phone conference, a virtual meeting through Microsoft Teams, or an in-person meeting in the Morton East counseling office. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please click on your counselor’s name to view their availability.
NOTE: If you are scheduling an in-person meeting at Morton East, you must present the email confirmation you receive to the security staff member at the front desk when you arrive for your appointment.
Counselors |
Name |
Extension (708) 780-4000 |
2232 |
2224 |
Ms. Sarah Guzman | | 2217 |
Mr. Brian Hagen | | 2236 |
Ms. Lisa Kulze | | 2237 |
Ms. Leah McDonald | | 2238 |
2231 |
2233 |
2216 |
2222 |
2989 |
2235 |
Ms. Stacy Weinert | | 2230 |
College and Career Center |
Mr. Ryan Smith | | 2229 |
College and Career Center
Welcome to the Morton East College and Career Center!
Here in the College and Career Center, we aim to support all Morton East students by providing personalized services related to their post-secondary goals. Our mission is to ensure all students are fully prepared for any future training, educational, and career opportunities they wish to pursue after high school graduation. Our services include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Exploring Post-secondary Options
- College Admissions Representative Visits
- College and Career Search Strategies
- College and Career Related Field Trips
- Navigating the College Application Process
- College Athletics: NCAA and NAIA Eligibility
- Apprenticeship and Trade School Resources
- ACT/SAT Registration Assistance
- College Application Assistance
- Test Prep. Resources
- Scholarship Search Assistance
- FAFSA Completion
- Financial Aid Resources for Undocumented Students
- Exploring part-time employment
If you would like to schedule an appointment, please click on Mr. Smith's name to check his availability.
Name |
Extension |
708-780-4000 x2229 |
College and Career Center Staff
Ryan Smith
College and Career Center Counselor
Phone: 708-780-4000 x2229
I have been a proud member of the Morton East counseling department since 2008 and am excited to serve as a College and Career Counselor for our Morton East students and families. There are many important decisions students face during their high school career that will directly affect their future educational and career opportunities, so I take my role of helping students and families navigate the college and career planning process very seriously. I truly enjoy working with students to meet their post-secondary goals.
Degrees and Certifications
Western Illinois University, M.Ed., School Counseling
Northern Illinois University, Bachelor of Science in Psychology
College and Career Resources
News & Upcoming Events
College representatives visit Morton East to provide information about the programs and admissions process at their respective universities. Other than visiting the university itself, this is the best way to learn as much as you can about a college before applying.
To attend a visit:
-Sign up through Naviance
-Pick up a visit pass to provide to your teacher
If you cannot attend a visit, then it is always a good idea to contact the representative yourself to let them know that you are interested.
Instructional Videos
Researching Careers in Naviance
Additional Resources
- College & Career Dashboard
- Post High School Planning Guide
- Financial Aid
- Morton College
- State Universities in IL
- Military
- Videos
- Standardized Testing
- Students with Disabilities
- For Families
- For Faculty
- Transition Planning Form
- Quickbook of Transition Assessments
- Wisconsin Transition Improvement Grant (TIG)
- TIG Age-Appropriate Assessment Guide
- TIG Compass Resource Guide
- TIG Transition Assessments & Resources LiveBinder
- Transition Assessments LiveBinder
- National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability
- PYLN Secondary Transition Toolkit
- College Athletics
- Transcript Information
- Seal of Biliteracy
Post High School Planning Guide
Our Post High School Planning Guide is a comprehensive 40-page book that helps families navigate junior and senior years.
Morton College Information
What is Naviance?
Naviance Student is a college and career readiness platform that allows you to research careers and colleges, learn more about yourself through personality assessments, build a resume, and eventually, track the college application process. Naviance Student is mobile-friendly, simple, and intuitive.
Check out what Naviance Student has to offer by using your device’s internet browser. Your student platform can be accessed at the following addresses:
Naviance Logging on PowerPoint