Morton East Bookstore
Visit the bookstore at your campus to purchase uniform and Morton spirit wear. Items can be picked up or shipped across the country.
Click below to purchase your items today!
Morton East Bookstore
708-780-4000 x 2014 and x 2012
Hours of Operation:
7:05 a.m - 2:50 p.m
PE Lock - $14.35
Safety Goggles - $2.50
Uniform Sizing & Pricing:
Apparel Uniform Polo: XS-XL - $10
2XL-4XL - $10
Morton Sweatshirt: XS-4XL - $20
PE Shirt: S-4XL - $6
PE Shorts: S-4XL - $8
PE Joggers: XS-3XL - $15
Spirit Wear: S-2XL - $10 - $15